
邱晓彦免疫 ,教授,博导




主要学习及工作经历 1978.9-1982.12 黑龙江中医药大学中医系七七级 本科生 1985.9-1988.7 白求恩医科大学病理教研室 硕士研究生 1992.9-1996.7 白求恩医科大学免疫教研室 博士研究生 1994.4-1995.4 日本大阪大学微生物病研究所分子遗传分野学习(获世川医学奖学金) 1996.11-1998.11 军事医学科学院基础医学研究所细胞生物研究室博士后 1982.12-1985.8 黑龙江中医药大学附属医院病理科诊断医生(住院医生) 1988.9-1992.9 黑龙江中医药大学附属医院病理科 诊断医生(主治医生) 1998.12-2004.7 北京大学医学部免疫学系副教授,硕士生导师 2004.8- 现在 北京大学医学部免疫学系教授, 博士生导师 2008.5-2010.5 美国德克萨斯大学MD安德森癌症研究所,访问教授
获奖情况 1992年获黑龙江省科学技术进步二等奖 1999年获黑龙江省中医药管理局科技进步一等奖 2000年获黑龙江省科学技术进步三等奖 2003年获北京大学医学部发表SCI论文(IF:8.3)二等奖 2004年获教育部科技进步二等奖 2008年获北京大学基础医学院2008年度优秀SCI论文二、三等奖 2009年获北京大学基础医学院2009年度优秀SCI论文二等奖 2010年获北京大学基础医学院2010年度优秀SCI论文二等奖
研究方向 肿瘤免疫
基金来源 国家自然科学基金
代表论文 1. Xiaohui Zhu, Lina Wu, Li Zhang, Peng Hao, Jie Zheng, Yinan Liu, Wenjun Li, Yingmei Zhang, Chunyan Zhou, Youhui Zhang, C. Cameron Yin and Xiaoyan Qiu. Distinct regulatory mechanism of immunoglobulin gene transcription in epithelial cancer cells.Cellular & Molecular Immunology. 2010: 279-287. 2. Zhang S, Mao Y, Huang J, Ma T, Zhang L, Zhu X, Zheng J, Xun X, Wu L, Yin CC, Qiu X. Immunoglobulin gene locus events in epithelial cells of lactating mouse mammary glands. Cell Mol. Life Sci. 2010: 67(6):985-94. 3. Jie Zheng* Jing Huang* Shiqing Liu Jing Huang Xiaohui Zhu Pei Zhang Jiafu Ji Youhui Zhang and Xiaoyan Qiu. Several sets of dominant functional VH(D)JH recombinations of immunoglobulin gene found in different origin of human cancer cells. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2009, 284(20):13610-9 . 4. Zhengshan Chen, Xiaoyan Qiu, Jiang Gu. Immunoglobulin expression in cancer cells. American Journal of Pathology, 2009, 174(4):1139-48. 5. Jing Huang, Li Zhang, Yuntao Mao,Chanqi Shi, Xiaohui Zhu, Pei Zhang, C. Cameron Yin and Xiaoyan Qiu Expression of Immunoglobulin Gene with Classical V-(D)-J Rearrangement in Mouse Spermatogenic Cells and Epithelial Cells of Epididymis. Journal of Histochemistry & Cytochemistry, 2009, 57(4):339-49. 6. Xiaohui Zhu☆, Cuiying Li☆, Xin Sun,Yuntao Mao, Peng Hao, Guohui Li, Lemeng Wu, Xiaoyong Liu, Suren Zhang, Youhui Zhang and Xiaoyan Qiu. Immunoglobulin mRNA and Protein Expression in Human Oral Epithelial Tumor Cells. Applied Immunohistochemistry & Molecular Morphology. 2008; 16(3): 232-8. 7. Wang Y, Li T, Qiu X, Mo X, Zhang Y, Song Q, Ma D, Han W. CMTM3 can affect the transcription activity of androgen receptor and inhibit the expression level of PSA in LNCaP cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2008; 20; 371(1):54-8. 8. Lina Wu, Zhixin Li, Yingmei Zhang, Pei Zhang, Ping Wang, Xiaohui Zhu, Jing Huang, Teng Ma, Tian Lu, Quansheng Song, Qian Li, Yanhong Guo, Jian Tang, Dalong Ma, Kuang-Hueih Chen and Xiaoyan Qiu . Adenovirus-expressed hHSG induces apoptosis in cancer cells. Mol Cancer Therapeutic. 2008; 7(1):222-32. 9. Jing Hang, Xin Sun1, Yuntao Mao1, Xiaohui Zhu1,2, Pei Zhang1, Xueyuan Xiao2, Lemeng Wu1, and Xiaoyan Qiu. Immunoglobulin G expression in mouse brain neurons. The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology. 2008; 40(8):1604-15. 10. Xiaoyan Qiu, Xiaohui Zhu,Liang Zhang,Yuntao Mao,Jian Zhang, Peng Hao, Guohui Li, Peng Lv, Zhixin Li, Xin Sun, Lemeng Wau, Jie Zheng, Yuqing Deng, Chunmei Hou, Peixian Tang, Shuren Zhang, Youhui Zhang. Human Epithelial Cancers Secrete Immunoglobulin G with unidentified specificity To Promote Growth and Survival of Tumor Cells. Cancer Research 2003,63 6488-6495.



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