
罗建沅遗传 ,教授,博导




主要学习及工作经历 1982.9-1986.7 北京大学生物系本科生 1986.9-1990.1 北京大学生物系硕士(在职) 1993-1999, University of Kentucky,博士, 1999-2002, Columbia University,博士后, 1986.7-1990.1 北京大学生物系助教 1990.1-1992.10, 北京大学生物系讲师 2002-2003 Columbia University, Associate Research Scientist, 2003-2010 University of Massachusetts Medical School, Assistant Professor 2010-2015 School of Medicine, University of Maryland, Associate Professor 2012-今 北京大学医学部, 教授
主要学术任职 任美国NIH,意大利, 英国等基金会基金申请评审人,Member, National Scientific Advisory Council of American Federation for Aging Research Editorial Board Member, The North American Journal of Medicine and Science. 为Molecular Cell; Gene & Development; Cell Stem Cell; Current Biology; Molecular Biology of Cell; Molecular Cellular Biology; Journal of Biological Chemistry; Cell Death and Differentiation; Bioinformatics; Cancer Research; Oncogene; Anti-Cancer Drugs; FEBS Letters; Journal of Proteome Research; DNA Repair; Cellular & Molecular Life Science; Cell Communication & Signaling; Mechanisms of Ageing and Development; Protein & Cell, PLoS One, Translational Research等杂志特约审稿人
研究方向 癌症,衰老,蛋白质翻译后修饰,DNA 修复。
基金来源 北大启动基金;自然科学基金项目。
代表论文 1. Luo, J., Su, F., Chen, D., Shiloh, A., Gu, W. (2000). Deacetylation of p53 modulates its effect on cell growth and apoptosis. Nature 408, 377-381. (Highlight: Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology 1, 164) 2. Luo, J., Nikolaev, A., Imai, S., Chen, D., Su, F., Shiloh, A., Guarente, L., Gu, W. (2001). Negative control of p53 by Sir2 promotes cell survival under stress. Cell 107, 137-148. 3. Luo, J., Li, M., Tang, Y., Laszkowska, M., Roeder, B., Gu, W (2004) Acetylation of p53 augments its site-specific DNA binding both in vitro and in vivo. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 101, 2259-2264. 4. Wang, R., Cherukuri, P., Luo, J. (2005) Activation of Stat3 sequence-specific DNA binding and transcription by p300/CBP mediated acetylation. J Biol. Chem. 280, 11528-11534. 5. Li, K., Casta, A., Wang, R., Lozada, E., Fan, W., Kane, S., Ge, Q., Gu, W., Orren, D., Luo, J. (2008) Regulation of WRN protein cellular localization and enzymatic activities by SIRT1 mediated deacetylation. J Biol. Chem. 283, 7590-7598. 6. Fan, W., & Luo, J. (2010) SIRT1 regulates UV-induced DNA repair through deacetylating XPA. Mol. Cell, 39, 247-258. 7. Yang, X., Wang, Z., Li, X., Liu, B., Liu, M., Liu, L., Chen, S., Ren, M., Wang, Y., Yu, M., Wang, B., Zou, J., Zhu, WG., Yin, Y., Gu, W., and Luo, J. (2018) SHMT2 desuccinylation by SIRT5 drives cancer cell proliferation. Cancer Res. 78: 372-386. 8. Liu, B., Yi, J., Yang, X., Liu, L., Lou, X., Zhang, Z., Qi, H., Wang, Z., Zou, J., Zhu, W.G., Gu, W., Luo, J. (2019) MDM2-mediated degradation of WRN promotes cellular senescence in a p53-independent manner. Oncogene. 38:2501-2515. 9. Liu M, Wang Z, Ren M, Yang X, Liu B, Qi H, Yu M, Song S, Chen S, Liu L, Zhang Y, Zou J, Zhu WG, Yin Y, Luo J. (2019) SIRT4 regulates PTEN stability through IDE in response to cellular stresses. FASEB J. 33:5535-5547. 10. Wang, Z., Yang, X., Liu, C., Li, X., Zhang, B., Wang, B., Zhang, Y., Song, C., Zhang, T., Liu, M., Liu, B., Ren, M., Jiang, H., Zou, J., Liu, X., Zhang, H., Zhu, W.G., Yin, Y., Zhang, Z., Gu, W., and Luo, J. (2019) Acetylation of PHF5A modulates stress responses and colorectal carcinogenesis through alternative splicing mediated upregulation of KDM3A. Mol. Cell 74:1250-1263.



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