
洪远凯生物物理 ,副教授




主要学习及工作经历 1983-1987 四川大学物理专业本科生 1992-1998 莫斯科大学生物物理专业,博士生 2000-2002 清华大学生命科学院,博士后 1987-1991 西北工业大学应用物理系,助教 2002- 北京大学基础医学院,讲师,副教授
研究方向 肿瘤关键蛋白质的功能
基金来源 973项目
代表论文 1.Zhong J, Yang CH, Zheng WF, Huang LX, Hong YK, Wang LJ, Sha YL, The role of calcium ions in the interactions of PrP106-126 amide with model membranes, Colloid and surface B:Biointerface, 2010, 77(1):40-6 2.Yu M, Yang Y, Han R, Zheng Q, Wang L, Hong Y, Li Z, Sha Y, Polyvalent Lactose-Quantum Dot Conjugate for Fluorescent Labeling of Live Leukocytes. Langmuir. 2010,26(11):8534-9 3.Han R, Yu M, Zheng Q, Wang L, Hong Y, Sha Y. A facile synthesis of small-sized, highly photoluminescent, and monodisperse CdSeS QD/SiO(2) for live cell imaging. Langmuir. 2009,25(20):12250-5 4.Zhong J, Yang C, Zheng W, Huang L, Hong Y, Wang L, Sha Y. Effects of lipid composition and phase on the membrane interaction of the prion peptide 106-126 amide. Biophys J. 2009, 96(11):4610-21 5.Wenfu Zheng, Lijun Wang, Yuankai Hong, Yinlin Sha. PrP106-126 peptide disrupts lipid membranes: influence of C-terminal amidation. BBRC. 2009,379 (2): 298-303 6.Lan Zhang, Jian Zhong, Lixin Huang, Lijun Wang, Yuankai Hong, and Yinlin Sha. Parallel-oriented Fibrogenesis of a β-sheet Forming Peptide on Supported Lipid Bilayers. J. Physical Chemistry B. 2008,112: 8950-8954 7.Jian Zhong, Wenfu Zheng, Lixin Huang, Yuankai Hong, Lijun Wang, Yang Qiu, Yinlin Sha, PrP106-126 Amide Causes the Semi-penetrated Poration in the Supported Lipid Bilayers, BBA-Biomembranes, 2007,1768:1420-9 8.Wang C, Huang L, Wang L, Hong Y, Sha Y.One-dimensional self-assembly of a rational designed beta-structure peptide, 2007,86(1),23-32 9.Xiaohui Zheng, Lijun Wang, Lan Zhang, Yuankai Hong, Lixin Huang and Yinlin Sha, Separation and Analysis of the Soluble Trimer of Ab1-40 and Its Effects on the Rise of Intracellular Calcium, Chinese Science Bulletin, 51(5): 539-545, 2006 (in Chinese); 51(7): 830-838, 2006) 10.Fan-Guo Meng #, Yuan-Kai Hong #, Hua-Wei He, Arkadii E.Lyubarev, Boris I.Kurganov, Yong-Bin Yan and Hai-Meng Zhou, Osmophobic effect of glycerol on irreversible thermal denaturation of rabbit creatine kinase, Biophysical Journal, 2004,87: 2247-54.

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