
徐国恒生理 ,教授,博导




主要学习及工作经历 1995.7-1997.7 北京医科大学神经科学中心, 博士后。 1992.7-1995.7 中山医科大学药理学系神经药理专业,获医学博士学位。 1987.7-1990.7 河南医科大学药理系, 硕士生,获医学硕士学位。 1982.9-1987.7 河南医科大学临床医疗系本科,获医学学士学位。 2004.7-至今 北京大学医学部生理与病理生理学系, 教授,博士生导师; 教育部分子心血管学重点实验室研究员。 2003.1-2004.7 北京大学医学部生理学系, 副教授 1997.10-2003.1 美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)糖尿病消化和肾病研究所(NIDDK), 高级访问学者。 1990.7-1992.7 河南医科大学药理系, 讲师
主要学术任职 任《生物学通报》常务编委、《中国生物化学与分子生物学杂志》编委。
获奖情况 2004年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才计划
研究方向 1. 脂肪分解的分子调控 2. 肥胖与胰岛素抵抗
基金来源 目前承担973项目,国家自然科学基金,北京市自然科学基金。
代表论文 1. Chong Xu, Jinhan He, Hongfeng Jiang, Luxia Zu, Wenjie Zhai, Shenshen Pu, and Guoheng Xu*. Direct effect of glucocorticoids on lipolysis in adipocytes. Molecular Endocrinology, 2009, 23(8): 1161-1170. 2. Luxia Zu, Jinhan He, Hongfeng Jiang, Chong Xu, Shenshen Pu, and Guoheng Xu*. Bacterial Endotoxin Stimulates Adipose Lipolysis via Toll-Like Receptor 4 and Extracellular Signal-Regulated Kinase Pathway. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2009, 284(9): 5915-26. This article was selected by Faculty of 1000 Biology 3. Luxia Zu, Hongfeng Jiang, Jinhan He, Chong Xu, Shenshen Pu, Meifang Liu, and Guoheng Xu*. Salicylate Blocks Lipolytic Actions of Tumor Necrosis Factor-a in Primary Rat Adipocytes. Molecular Pharmacology. 2008, 73(1): 215-223 4. Hongfeng Jiang, Jinhan He, Shenshen Pu, Chaoshu Tang, and Guoheng Xu*. Heat shock protein 70 is translocated to lipid droplets in rat adipocytes upon heat shock stress. Biochimica Biophysica Acta – Lipid, 2007, 1771(1): 66-74. 5. Tingting Ren, Jinhan He, Hongfeng Jiang, Luxia Zu, Shenshen Pu, Xiaohui Guo*, and Guoheng Xu*. Metformin reduces lipolysis in primary rat adipocytes stimulated by tumor necrosis factor-a or isoproterenol. Journal of Molecular Endocrinology. 2006, 37(1): 175-183. 6. Jinhan He, Hongfeng Jiang, John T. Tansey, Chaoshu Tang, Shenshen Pu, and Guoheng Xu*. Calyculin and Okadaic Acid Promote Perilipin Phosphorylation and Increase Lipolysis in Primary Rat Adipocytes. Biochimica Biophysica Acta -Mol Cell Biol of Lipid. 2006; 1761(2): 247-255. 7. Xu G*, Sztalryd C, Kimmel AR, and Londos C. Degradation of perilipin is mediated through ubiquitination-proteasome pathway. Biochimica Biophysica Acta - Mol Cell Biol of Lipid. 2006; 1761(1): 83-90. 8. Xu G, Sztalryd C, Lu X, Dorward H, Tansey JT, Kimmel AR, and Londos C. Post-translational regulation of adipose differentiation-related protein by the ubiquitin/proteasome pathway. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2005; 280(52): 42841-7. 9. Xu G**, Sztalryd C, Dorward H, Tansey JT, Contreras JA, Kimmel AR, and Londos C. Perilipin A is Essential for the Translocation of Hormone-sensitive Lipase during Lipolytic Activation. Journal of Cell Biology. 2003; 161(6): 1093-1103.为共同第一作者。 10. Xu G, Rabadan-Diehl C, Nikodemova M, Wynn P, Spiess J, Aguilera G. Inhibition of corticotropin releasing hormone type-1 receptor translation by an upstream AUG triplet in the 5' untranslated region. Molecular Pharmacology. 2001;59(3):485-492.



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