
王宇辉心血管 ,副研究员




主要学习及工作经历 1988.9-1993.7 北京中医药大学基础医学专业本科生 2000.4-2005.3 日本筑波大学临床医学系博士生 1993.7-2000.4 中国中医科学院基础所助研 2005.4-2011.7 北京大学医学部心血管所助研 2011.8-至今 北京大学心血管研究所副研
研究方向 脂代谢紊乱和动脉粥样硬化、急性胰腺炎以及基因修饰动物制备和分析
基金来源 国家自然科学基金面上项目2010-2013
代表论文 Hypertriglyceridemia and delayed clearance of fat load in transgenic rabbits expressing human apolipoprotein CIII. Ding Y, Wang Y, Zhu H, Fan J, Yu L, Liu G, Liu E. Transgenic Res. 2010 Dec 1. [Epub ahead of print] Glucose intolerance and decreased early insulin response in mice with severe hypertriglyceridemia, Ding Y, Wang Y, Huang W, Liu G, Ross C, Hayden MR, Yang J, Experimental Biology and Medicine 2010; 235: 40–46. A case-control study on the relationship between HDL2b and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in Chinese type 2 diabetic patients. Ma YH, Zhao L, Xian XD, Yang D, Huang W, Wang YH, Mueller O, Chang E, Konigshofer Y, Van-Cleve M, Liu G, Yang JK. Clin Chem Lab Med. 2009;47(9):1067-72. Reduced high-density lipoprotein 2b in non-obese type 2 diabetic patients analysed by a microfluidic chip method in a case-control study. Xian X, Ma Y, Yang DD, Huang W, Wang Y, Mueller O, Chang E, Konigshofer Y, Van-Cleve M, Yang J, Liu G. Biomarkers. 2009 Dec;14(8):619-23. Enhanced atherothrombotic formation after oxidative injury by FeCl3 to the common carotid artery in severe combined hyperlipidemic mice. Xian X, Ding Y, Zhang L, Wang Y, McNutt MA, Ross C, Hayden MR, Deng X, Liu G. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2009 Aug 7;385(4):563-9. Epub 2009 May 28.] Presynaptic defects underlying impaired learning and memory function in lipoprotein lipase-deficient mice. Xian X, Liu T, Yu J, Wang Y, Miao Y, Zhang J, Yu Y, Ross C, Karasinska JM, Hayden MR, Liu G, Chui D. J Neurosci. 2009 Apr 8;29(14):4681-5. The role of free fatty acids, pancreatic lipase and Ca+ signalling in injury of isolated acinar cells and pancreatitis model in lipoprotein lipase-deficient mice. Yang F, Wang Y, Sternfeld L, Rodriguez JA, Ross C, Hayden MR, Carriere F, Liu G, Schulz I. Acta Physiol (Oxf). 2009 Jan;195(1):13-28. Epub 2008 Oct 25. Enhanced susceptibility to pancreatitis in severe hypertriglyceridaemic lipoprotein lipase-deficient mice and agonist-like function of pancreatic lipase in pancreatic cells. Wang Y, Sternfeld L, Yang F, Rodriguez JA, Ross C, Hayden MR, Carriere F, Liu G, Hofer W, Schulz I. Gut. 2009 Mar;58(3):422-30. Epub 2008 Oct 20.



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