
白云细胞 ,教授,博导




主要学习及工作经历 1993.9-1998.7 北京大学医学部,获医学学士学位 1998.9-2003.7 北京大学医学部,获医学博士学位 2010-2011年:美国国家卫生研究院(NIH)衰老研究所访问学者 2003年-至今:北京大学基础医学院细胞生物学系,干细胞研究中心,讲师、副教授、教授
主要学术任职 中华医学会医学细胞生物学分会委员、中国解剖学会再生医学分会委员
研究方向 肿瘤免疫治疗与干细胞生物学
基金来源 国家自然科学基金
代表论文 1. Liu B#, Chen S#, Xu Y#, Lyu Y#, Wang J, Du Y, Sun Y, Liu H, Zhou H, Lai W, Xue A, Yin M, Li C, Bai Y*, Xu J*, Deng H*. Chemically defined and xeno-free culture condition for human extended pluripotent stem cells. Nature Communications, 2021, 12(1): 3017. 2. Deng C#, Zhao J#, Zhou S, Dong J, Cao J, Gao J, Bai Y*, Deng H*. The Vascular Disrupting Agent CA4P Improves the Antitumor Efficacy of CAR-T Cells in Preclinical Models of Solid Human Tumors. Molecular Therapy. 2020, 28(1): 75-88. 3. Luo Z#, Liu Z#, Liang Z, Pan J, Xu J, Dong J, Bai Y*, Deng H*, Wei S*.Injectable Porous Microchips with Oxygen Reservoirs and an Immune-Niche Enhance the Efficacy of CAR T Cell Therapy in Solid Tumors. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2020, 12(51): 56712-56722. 4. Li H#, Zhao C#, Xu J, Xu Y, Cheng C, Liu Y, Wang T, Du Y, Xie L, Zhao J, Han Y, Wang X, Bai Y*, Deng H*. Rapid generation of gene-targeted EPS-derived mouse models through tetraploid complementation. Protein Cell, 2019, 10(1): 20-30. 5. Zhang S#, Lin X#, Li G, Shen X, Niu D, Lu G, Fu X, Chen Y, Cui M*, Bai Y*. Knockout of Eva1a leads to rapid development of heart failure by impairing autophagy. Cell Death & Disease, 2017, 8(2): e2586. 6. Zhong L#, Zhou J#, Chen X, Liu J, Liu Z, Chen Y, Bai Y*. Quantitative proteomics reveals EVA1A-related proteins involved in neuronal differentiation. Proteomics, 2017, 17(5). doi: 10.1002/pmic.201600294. 7. Li M#, Lu G#, Hu J#, Shen X, Ju J, Gao Y, Qu L, Xia Y, Chen Y*, Bai Y*. EVA1A/TMEM166 Regulates Embryonic Neurogenesis by Autophagy. Stem Cell Reports, 2016, 6(3): 396-410. 8. Shen X, Kan S, Hu J, Li M, Lu G, Zhang M, Zhang S, Hou Y, Chen Y*, Bai Y*. EMC6/TMEM93 suppresses glioblastoma proliferation by modulating autophagy. Cell Death & Disease, 2016, 7: e2043. 9. Bai Y*, Kan S, Zhou S, Wang Y, Xu J, Cooke JP*, Wen J*, Deng H*. Enhancement of the in vivo persistence and antitumor efficacy of CD19 chimeric antigen receptor T cells through the delivery of modified TERT mRNA. Cell Discovery, 2015,1,15040. 10. Bai Y, Lathia JD, Zhang P, Flavahan W, Rich JN, Mattson MP. Molecular targeting of TRF2 suppresses the growth and tumorigenesis of glioblastoma stem cells. Glia, 2014, 62(10):1687-98.



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