
王娟医学信息 ,副教授,硕导




主要学习及工作经历 1994.9-1998.7 华西医科大学药学院本科毕业,学士学位 2000.9-2005.7 中国协和医科大学 中国医学科学院 医药生物技术研究所 博士研究生毕业,医学博士学位 1998.7-2000.9 西北大学陕西省医药重点实验室 助教 2005.8-2011.8 北京大学医学部 医学信息学系 讲师 2011.8- 北京大学医学部 医学信息学系 副教授
研究方向 生物信息学;系统药理学
基金来源 国家自然科学基金 项目号:81001481
代表论文 1. Juan Wang, ZhixinLi, Chengxiang Qiu, Qinghua Cui*. The relationship between drug rational design and side effects. Briefings in Bioinformatics. Accepted,第一作者,IF=9.2 2. Juan Wang, Ming Lu, Chengxiang Qiu, Qinghua Cui*. TransmiR: a transcription factor-microRNA regulation database. Nucleic Acids Res., January 2010; 38: D119 - D122.第一作者, IF=7.479 3. Chengxiang Qiu1, Juan Wang1, Pengying Yao, Edwin Wang, and Qinghua Cui*. microRNA evolution on a human microRNA and transcription factor regulatory network. BMC Syst Biol. 2010 Jun 29; 4:90. 并列第一作者,IF=4.064 4. Yanni Xu1, Juan Wang1, Yi Bao, Wei Jiang, Lian Zuo, Danqing Song, Bin Hong*, Shuyi Si*Identification of two novel antagonists of the scavenger receptor CD36 using a high-throughput screening model. Anal Biochem. 2010 May 15;400(2):207-12 并列第一作者,IF=3.287 5. Bing Shi, Yanhong Guo, Juan Wang*, Wei Gao*. Altered microRNA expression in the myocardium of the myocardial infarction rat. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders., 2010, 10:11 通讯作者 6. Wang Dong, Wang Juan, Lu Ming, Song Fei, Cui Qinghua*. Inferring the microRNA functional similarity and functional network based on microRNA-associated disease tree. Bioinformatics,2010 Jul 1;26(13):1644-50. Epub 2010 May 3. (IF=4.926) 7. Ming Lu, Bing Shi, Juan Wang, Qun Cao and Qinghua Cui*. TAM: A method for enrichment and depletion analysis of a microRNA category in a list of microRNAs. BMC Bioinformatics, 2010 Aug 9;11:419. 8. Qinghua Cui, Dong Wang, Haijun Zhang, Juan Wang, Chengxiang Qiu, Yuxin Yin* . Human microRNA oncogenes and tumor suppressors show significantly different biological patterns: from functions to targets. PLoS One. 2010 Sep 30;5(9). pii: e13067. 9. 王娟, 李学军*. 基于细胞信号动态网络的药物靶点发现. 药学学报,2010, Vol. 45 (1): 1-8. 10. 王娟, 尚彤. 心血管系统生物学研究进展. 生理科学进展, 2009,40(2): 111-116.



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