
张勇神经生物 ,研究员





1995.9-1999.7 山东大学生物化学专业本科生 

2003.9-2008.7 Ph.D.,Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine 

2008.8-2015.7 Postdoctoral fellow,Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

2015.8-2016.8 Research associate,Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
获奖情况 2015 The W. Barry Wood Jr. Research Award, Johns Hopkins Young Investigators’ Award 2006 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-Financed Students Abroad
研究方向 活体AMPA受体转运和神经突触可塑性
基金来源 启动资金 150万
代表论文 1.Zhang Y, Cudmore R, Lin DT, Linden DJ, and Huganir RL. 2015. Visualization of NMDA receptor-dependent AMPA receptor synaptic plasticity in vivo. Nat. Neurosci. 18: 402-407. 2.Sharma K, Choi SY, Zhang Y, Nieland T, Long S, Li M, and Huganir RL. 2013. High-throughput Genetic Screen for Synaptogenic Factors: Identification of LRP6 as Critical for Excitatory Synapse Development. Cell Rep. 5: 1330-1341. 3.Zhang Y, Billington CJ Jr, Pan D, and Neufeld TP. 2006. Drosophila target of rapamycin kinase functions as a multimer. Genetics. 172: 355-362. 4.Zhang Y, Gao X, Saucedo L, Ru B, Edgar B, and Pan D. 2003. Rheb is a direct target of the tuberous sclerosis tumour suppressor proteins. Nat. Cell Biol. 5: 578-581. 5.Gao X#, Zhang Y#, Arrazola P, Hino O, Kobayashi T, Yeung R, Ru B, and Pan D. 2002. Tsc tumor suppressor proteins antagonize amino-acid-TOR signaling. Nat. Cell Biol. 4: 699-704. (#Equal contribution)



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