
张勇神经生物 ,研究员





1995.9-1999.7 山东大学生物化学专业本科生 

2003.9-2008.7 Ph.D.,Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine 

2008.8-2015.7 Postdoctoral fellow,Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

2015.8-2016.8 Research associate,Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

2015 The W. Barry Wood Jr. Research Award, Johns Hopkins Young Investigators’ Award 

2006 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-Financed Students Abroad

研究方向 AMPA受体突触可塑性生理、病理机制研究
基金来源 科技创新2030重大计划,400万

1. Lu KJ, Li CY, Liu J, Wang JP, Li YF, He B, Li JZ, Zhang XC, Wei MP, Tian YL, Zhang R, Zhang C, Zhang Y*. (2023). Impairments in endogenous AMPA receptor dynamics correlates with learning deficits in Alzheimer's disease model mice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U S A. 120(40): e2303878120. (Research article)


2. Zhou R, Li J, Chen Z, Wang R, Shen Y, Zhang R, Zhou F*, Zhang Y*. (2023). Pathological hemodynamic changes and leukocyte transmigration disrupt the blood–spinal cord barrier after spinal cord injury. Journal of Neuroinflammation. 20(1):118. (Research article)


3. Ma H, Li JF, Qiao X, Zhang Y, Hou XJ, Chang HX, Chen HL, Zhang Y*, Li YF*. (2024). Sigma-1 receptor activation mediates the sustained antidepressant effect of ketamine in mice via increasing BDNF levels. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica. 45(4):704-713. (Research article)


4. Ma H, Li CY, Wang JP, Zhang XC, Li MY, Zhang R, Huang Z, Zhang Y*. (2021). Amygdala-hippocampal innervation modulates stress-induced depressive-like behaviors through AMPA receptors. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U S A. 118(6): e2019409118. (Research article)


5. Chen J#, Zhang XC#, Li LP#, Ma XQ, Yang CX, Liu ZD, Li CY, Fernandez-Cabezudo M, al-Ramadi BK, Wu C, Huang WS, Zhang Y*, Zhang YH*, Liu WL*. (2021). Farnesyl pyrophosphate is a new danger signal inducing acute cell death. PLOS Biology. 19(4): e3001134. (Research article)


6. Liu Z#, Ma H#, Long S, Zhang Y*. (2022). Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor 5: a Potential Molecular Switch and Beyond. Biological Psychiatry. 92:98-99. (Invited Commentary)



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