
刘昭飞放射医学 ,教授,博导




主要学习及工作经历 1999.09-2004.07 青岛大学 医学检验专业 本科 2004.08-2009.07 北京大学医学部 放射医学专业 博士 2008.02-2009.01 斯坦福大学(美国) 分子影像专业 博士联合培养 2009.08-2011.07 北京大学医学部 基础医学院 讲师 2011.08-2016.07 北京大学医学部 基础医学院 副教授 2016.08-至今 北京大学医学部 基础医学院 教授
主要学术任职 Scientific Reports、Biophysics Reports、Am J Nucl Med Mol Imaging、Tomography等学术杂志的编委 中国核学会放射性药物分会常务理事兼副秘书长;中国抗癌协会整合肿瘤学分会委员等。
获奖情况 2008 Berson-Yalow Award—Society of Nuclear Medicine (SNM) 2010 EANM Springer Prize-Best Basic Science Paper—European Association of Nuclear Medicine
研究方向 肿瘤分子影像探针
基金来源 1. 国家自然科学基金委面上项目(81671747); 60万元; 2017.01-2020.12; 负责人 1. 国家自然科学基金委面上项目(81873907); 57万元; 2019.01-2022.12; 负责人 2. 北京市科技新星交叉课题(Z181100006218136); 25万元; 2018.01-2019.12; 负责人 3. 北京大学临床+X青年专项(PKU2018LCXQ017); 50万元; 2018.01-2018.12; 负责人 4. 北京市-海淀原始创新联合基金(L172007); 28万元; 2017.10-2019.12; 负责人 5. 国家自然科学基金委面上项目(81671747); 60万元; 2017.01-2020.12; 负责人 6. 国家自然科学基金委面上项目(81471712); 73万元; 2015.01-2018.12; 负责人
代表论文 1. Lai J, Lu D, Zhang C, Zhu H, Gao L, Wang Y, Bao R, Zhao Y, Jia B, Wang F, Yang Z*, Liu Z*. Noninvasive small-animal imaging of galectin-1 upregulation for predicting tumor resistance to radiotherapy. Biomaterials. 2018, 158:1-9. 2. Zhao Y, Zhang C, Gao L, Yu X, Lai J, Lu D, Bao R, Wang Y, Jia B, Wang F, Liu Z*. Chemotherapy-induced macrophage infiltration into tumors enhances nanographene-based phtodynamic therapy. Cancer Res. 2017, 77:6021-32. 3. Yu X, Gao D, Gao L, Lai J, Zhang C, Zhao Y, Zhong L, Jia B, Wang F, Chen X, Liu Z*. Inhibiting metastasis and preventing tumor relapse by triggering host immunity with tumor-targeted photodynamic therapy using photosensitizer-loaded functional nanographenes. ACS Nano. 2017, 11:10147-58. 4. Zhang C, Yu X, Gao L, Zhao Y, Lai J, Lu D, Bao R, Jia B, Zhong L, Wang F, Liu Z*. Noninvasive imaging of CD206-positive M2 macrophages as an early biomarker for post-chemotherapy tumor relapse and lymph node metastasis. Theranostics 2017, 7:4276-88. 5. Gao L, Zhang C, Gao D, Liu H, Yu X, Lai J, Wang F, Lin J, Liu Z*. Enhanced anti-tumor efficacy through combination integrin αvβ6-targeted photodynamic therapy and immune checkpoint inhibition. Theranostics. 2016, 6:627-37. 6. Zhang C, Gao L, Cai Y, Liu H, Gao D, Lai J, Jia B, Wang F, Liu Z*. Inhibition of tumor growth and metastasis by photoimmunotherapy targeting tumor-associated macrophage in a sorafenib-resistant tumor model. Biomaterials. 2016, 84:1-12. 7. Gao L, Liu H, Sun X, Gao D, Zhang C, Jia B, Zhu Z, Wang F, Liu Z*. Molecular imaging of post-Src-inhibition tumor signatures for guiding dasatinib combination therapy. J Nucl Med. 2016, 57:321-6. (同期配发评论该研究的Invited Perspectives, 见J Nucl Med. 2016, 57:171-2) 8. Gao D, Gao L, Zhang C, Liu H, Jia B, Zhu Z, Wang F, Liu Z*. A near-infrared phthalocyanine dye-labeled agent for integrin αvβ6-targeted theranostics of pancreatic cancer. Biomaterials. 2015, 53:229-38. 9. Sun X, Gao D, Gao L, Zhang C, Yu X, Jia B, Wang F, Liu Z*. Molecular imaging of tumor-infiltrating macrophages in a preclinical mouse model of breast cancer. Theranostics. 2015, 5:597-608. 10. Ma T, Sun X, Cui L, Gao L, Wu Y, Liu H, Zhu Z, Wang F, Liu Z*. Molecular imaging reveals trastuzumab-induced epidermal growth factor receptor downregulation in vivo. J Nucl Med. 2014, 55:1002-7.



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