
王欢系统生物所 ,副研究员,博导




主要学习及工作经历 2006 ~ 2013: University of Colorado at Boulder(科罗拉多大学波尔德分校) Ph.D. in Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology Advisors: Leslie A. Leinwand(美国文理科学院院士)and Kristi S. Anseth(美国工程院院士,美国科学院院士和美国医学研究院院士) 2004 ~ 2005: Chinese University of Hong Kong (香港中文大学) Exchange student in Biology 2002 ~ 2006: Zhejiang University(浙江大学,毕业于学院第一名) B.S. in Biotechnology (graduated with summa cum laude) 2018 ~ now: Peking University Health Science Center Institute of Systems Medicine 2014~ 2018: Harvard University, Medical School (哈佛大学医学部) Postdoctoral Associate in Systems Biology Advisor: Peter K. Sorger (哈佛医疗科学研究院院长) 2013~2014 University of Colorado at Boulder(科罗拉多大学波尔德分校) Postdoctoral Associate in Chemical and Biological Engineering
主要学术任职 中国生理学会,中国病理生理学会系统生物医学学会,中国毒理学会会员。
获奖情况 1. Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Postdoctoral Fellowship (or F32) entitled “Single cell molecular network mechanisms of cardiotoxicity induced by tyrosine kinase inhibitors”, funded from 2018-2020 by National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute of USA. (美国国立心脏,肺和血管研究院F32博士后奖学金, 196,000美元, 约1,233,000元)。 2. American Heart Association Postdoctoral Fellowship entitled “Single cell network modeling of drug-induced cardiotoxicity”, Priority score: 1.3, Percentile: 4.55%, Funded 2015 ~ 2017.(美国心脏学会博士后奖学金,100,000美元,约630,000元) 3. Lead author on a NIH R21 grant entitled “Mechanical dosing effects on mesenchymal stem cells”, under the guidance of Dr. Kristi Anseth. Impact score: 20, Percentile: 2.0%, Funded 2014 ~ 2016. (美国国立卫生研究院探索与发展研究基金R21,$275,000) 4. Author in a NIH R01 grant entitled “Reversible and irreversible cell fate of myofibroblasts in response to matrix stiffness”, with Dr. Kristi Anseth. Submitted but not funded, 2014.
研究方向 • Translate findings of basic biomedical research to therapeutics in treating cardiovascular complications, such as chemotherapy-induced cardiotoxicity. • Elucidate the mechanisms of how cardiac cells integrate and translate various microenvironmental cues into molecular and physiological phenotypes. • Build human cardiac tissue in vitro using induced pluoripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes, other cardiac cell types and hydrogel matrix for applications in toxicology and tissue engineering. • Multi-omics data integration. 研究方向: 抗肿瘤药物所引起的心脏毒性的分子机制和治疗方法的探索 心肌细胞整合微环境因子信号的分子网络机制 心肌组织再生工程 多组学数据的整合分析
基金来源 现主持国自然应急管理项目一项(2019),国自然面上一项(2020-2023)。
代表论文 1. Wang H, Sheehan RP, Palmer AC, Everley RA, Boswell SA, Ron-Harel N, Ringel AE, Holton KM, Jacobson CA, Erickson AR, Maliszewski LE, Haigis MC, Sorger PK. Adaptation of Human iPSC-Derived Cardiomyocytes to Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors Reduces Acute Cardiotoxicity via Metabolic Reprogramming. Cell Systems (影响因子 9.0) 8, 412-426.e7 (2019). 2. Wang H, Leinwand LA and Anseth KS. Cardiac valve cells and their microenvironment—insights from in vitro studies, Nature Reviews Cardiology (影响因子 14.3) 11(12):715-727 (2014). 3. Wang H, Tibbitt MW, Langer SJ, Leinwand LA and Anseth KS. Hydrogels preserve native phenotypes of valvular fibroblasts through an elasticity-regulated PI3K/AKT pathway. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA (影响因子9.7) 110 (48): 19336-19341 (2013). 4. Wang H, Leinwand LA and Anseth KS. Roles of transforming growth factor-β1 and OB-cadherin in porcine cardiac valve myofibroblast differentiation, The FASEB Journal (影响因子5.5), 28(10):4551-4562 (2014). 5. Wang H, Haeger SM, Kloxin AK, Leinwand LA and Anseth KS. Redirecting valvular myofibroblasts into dormant fibroblasts through light-mediated reduction in substrate modulus. PLoS ONE (影响因子2.8, 高引用率文章,引用次数115) 7(7):e39969 (2012). 6. Wang H, Sridhar B, Leinwand LA, Anseth KS. Characterization of cell subpopulations expressing progenitor cell markers in porcine cardiac valves. PLoS ONE (影响因子2.8) 8(7): e69667. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0069667 (2013).



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