
刘建中西医 ,副研究员,博导




主要学习及工作经历 2004.9-2009.7 北京大学医学部医学英语专业本科生 2009.8-2013.8 香港中文大学生理学博士 2013.8-2016.1 香港中文大学生物医学学院博士后 2016.2-2017.12 宾夕法尼亚大学perelman医学院博士后 2017.12-2019.2 北京诺和诺德医药科技有限公司高级研究员 2019.3-至今 北京大学医学部基础医学院中西医结合教研室副研究员
主要学术任职  2009 – 今 香港药理学会会员  2009 – 今 亚洲血管生物学会会员  2009 – 今 香港内分泌、代谢和生殖学会会员  2009 – 今 中国病理生理学会会员  2018.10-今 中国微循环学会痰瘀专业委员会委员
获奖情况  教育部自然科学奖二等奖(第9完成人)(2018年2月)  CUHK Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (2014-2015)  Podium Presentation Award at 2013 AAPS (American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists)@China Symposium, Hong Kong (17-18 August 2013)  3rd Prize for Young Investigator Award Competition (Chaired Poster Presentation) at 5th Scientific Meeting of the Asian Society for Vascular Biology, Xi’an, China (27-29 October 2012)  Travel grant from Hong Kong Pharmacology Society (November 2011)  1st Prize of Oral Presentation for Young Investigator Awards, at the 15th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Institute of Cardiovascular Science and Medicine, Hong Kong (17 September 2011)  2nd Prize of Oral Presentation for Young Investigator Awards, at the 11th National Conference of Chinese Pharmacological Society, Jinan, China (24 September 2011)  CUHK International Travel Grant (August 2011)  北京大学医学部国家励志奖学金(2006—2007)
研究方向 糖尿病性心血管病的病理机制以及中医药治疗作用的机制
基金来源 2019年3月-至今,承担基础医学院引进人才启动基金,150万元
代表论文 1. Hu P*, Liu J*, Zhao JJ*, Wilkins BJ, Lupino K, Wu H, Pei L (2018) Single-nucleus transcriptomic survey of cell diversity and functional maturation in postnatal mammalian hearts. Genes Dev. 2018 Oct 1;32(19-20):1344-1357. (*Co-first author) Impactor factor: 9.413 2. Li J*, Liu J*, Lupino K, Liu X, Zhang Li, Pei L (2018) GDF15 maturation requires proteolytic cleavage by PCSK3, -5 and -6 (Molecular and Cellular Biology 15;38(21). pii: e00249-18. accepted) (*Co-first author) Impact factor: 3.813 3. Zhang H, Liu J*, Qu D, Wang L, Wong CM, Lau CW, Huang Y, Wang YF, Huang H, Xia Y, Xiang L, Cai Z, Liu P, Wei Y, Yao X, Ma RCW, Huang Y (2018) Serum exosomes mediate delivery of arginase 1 as a novel mechanism for endothelial dysfunction in diabetes. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2018 Jul 17;115(29):E6927-E6936. (*Co-first author) Impactor factor: 9.661 4. Wang T, Liu J*, McDonald C, Lupino K, Zhai X, Wilkins BJ, Hakonarson H, Pei L (2017) GDF15 is a heart-derived hormone that regulates body growth. EMBO Mol Med. 2017 Aug;9(8):1150-1164. (*Co-first author). Impactor factor: 10.293 5. Zhang H, Liu J*, Qu D, Wang L, Luo JY, Lau CW, Liu P, Gao Z, Tipoe GL, Lee HK, Ng CF, Ma RC, Yao X, Huang Y (2016) Inhibition of miR-200c Restores Endothelial Function in Diabetic Mice Through Suppression of COX-2. Diabetes 2016 May;65(5):1196-207. (*Co-first author) Impact factor: 8.684 6. Liu J, Wang L, Tian XY, Liu LM, Wong WT, Zhang Y, Han Q, Ho HM, Wang N, Wong SL, Chen ZY, Yu J, Ng CF, Yao X & Huang Y (2015) Unconjugated bilirubin mediates heme oxygenase-1-induced vascular benefits in diabetic mice. Diabetes 2015 May; 64(5):1564-75. Impact factor: 8.684 (accompanied by a commentary by Durante W., Diabetes. 2015 May; 64(5):1506-8. 7. Liu L, Liu J*, Gao Y, Ng CF, Yu X, Dou D & Huang Y (2015) Protein Kinase Cβ mediates down-regulated expression of glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor in hypertensive renal arteries. Journal of Hypertension 2015; 33(4): 784-790. (*Co-first author). Impact factor: 4.085 8. Liu L, Liu J*, Gao Y, Yu X, Xu G & Huang Y (2014) Uncoupling protein-2 mediates the protective action of berberine against oxidative stress in rat insulinoma INS-1E cells and in diabetic mouse islets. British Journal of Pharmacology 171(13):3246-3254 (*Co-first author). Impact factor: 5.491 9. Liu L, Liu J*, Gao Y, Yu X, Dou D & Huang Y (2014) Protein kinase Cδ contributes to phenylephrine-mediated contraction in the aortae of high fat diet-induced obese mice. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 446(4):1179-1183 (*Co-first author). Impact factor: 2.466 10. Zhang Y, Liu J*, Tian XY, Wong WT, Chen Y, Wang L, Luo JY, Cheang WS, Lau CW, Kwan KM, Wang N, Yao X & Huang Y (2014) Inhibition of bone morphogenic protein-4 restores endothelial function in db/db diabetic mice. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology 34(1):152-159 (*Co-first author) Impact factor: 6.607



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