
王维斌放射医学 ,副研究员,博导




主要学习及工作经历 2004.9-2008.6 首都医科大学,医学实验学,学士 2008.9-2011.6 北京大学医学部,生物化学与分子生物学,硕士 2011.9-2014.6 北京大学医学部,生物化学与分子生物学,博士 2014.7-2019.1 耶鲁大学,分子生物物理与生物化学系,博士后 2019.3-至今 北京大学医学部,放射医学系,预聘制助理教授
获奖情况 2009-2010年,荣获北京大学学术创新奖 2011-2012年,荣获北京大学学术创新奖 2012年,荣获教育部博士研究生学术新人奖 2012年,荣获博士研究生国家奖学金 2019年,入选北医青年学者奖励计划
研究方向 DNA损伤修复与肿瘤发生和治疗,肿瘤分子生物学
基金来源 新引进人才科研启动基金,国家自然科学基金面上项目
代表论文 以第一作者身份发表的文章: 1. Wang, W., Daley, J. M., Kwon, Y., Krasner, D. S., and Sung, P. (2017) Plasticity of the Mre11-Rad50-Xrs2-Sae2 nuclease ensemble in the processing of DNA-bound obstacles#. Genes & Development 31, 2331-2336. # highlighted in an Outlook article: Gnugge, R., and Symington, L. S. (2017) Keeping it real: MRX-Sae2 clipping of natural substrates. Genes & Development 31, 2311-2312. 2. Bai, Y.#, Wang, W.#, Li, S., Zhan, J., Li, H., Zhao, M., Zhou, X. A., Li, S., Li, X., Huo, Y., Shen, Q., Zhou, M., Zhang, H., Luo, J., Sung, P., Zhu, W. G., Xu, X., and Wang, J. (2019) C1QBP promotes homologous recombination by stabilizing MRE11 and controlling the assembly and activation of MRE11/RAD50/NBS1 complex. Molecular Cell 76, 1-16. (# first author) 3. Wang, W., Pan, K., Chen, Y., Huang, C., and Zhang, X. (2012) The acetylation of transcription factor HBP1 by p300/CBP enhances p16INK4A expression. Nucleic Acids Research 40, 981-995. 4. Li, H.#, Wang, W.#, Liu, X., Paulson, K. E., Yee, A. S., and Zhang, X. (2010) Transcriptional factor HBP1 targets p16INK4A, upregulating its expression and consequently is involved in Ras-induced premature senescence. Oncogene 29, 5083-5094. (# first author) 5. Wang, W., Chen, Y., Wang, S., Hu, N., Cao, Z., Wang, W., Tong, T., and Zhang, X. (2014) PIASxα ligase enhances SUMO1 modification of PTEN protein as a SUMO E3 ligase. Journal of Biological Chemistry 289, 3217-3230. 6. Wang, W., Daley, J. M., Kwon, Y., Xue, X., Krasner, D. S., Miller, A. S., Nguyen, K. A., Williamson, E. A., Shim, E. Y., Lee, S. E., Hromas, R., and Sung, P. (2018) A DNA nick at Ku-blocked double-strand break ends serves as an entry site for exonuclease 1 (Exo1) or Sgs1-Dna2 in long-range DNA end resection. Journal of Biological Chemistry 293, 17061-17069. 以合作作者身份发表的文章: 1. Cassani, C., Gobbini, E., Wang, W., Niu, H., Clerici, M., Sung, P., and Longhese, M. P. (2016) Tel1 and Rif2 Regulate MRX Functions in End-Tethering and Repair of DNA Double-Strand Breaks. PLOS Biology 14, e1002387. 2. Zhao, W., Steinfeld, J. B., Liang, F., Chen, X., Maranon, D. G., Jian Ma, C., Kwon, Y., Rao, T., Wang, W., Sheng, C., Song, X., Deng, Y., Jimenez-Sainz, J., Lu, L., Jensen, R. B., Xiong, Y., Kupfer, G. M., Wiese, C., Greene, E. C., and Sung, P. (2017) BRCA1-BARD1 promotes RAD51-mediated homologous DNA pairing. Nature 550, 360-365. 3. Daley, J. M., Jimenez-Sainz, J., Wang, W., Miller, A. S., Xue, X., Nguyen, K. A., Jensen, R. B., and Sung, P. (2017) Enhancement of BLM-DNA2-Mediated Long-Range DNA End Resection by CtIP. Cell Reports 21, 324-332. 4. Gobbini, E., Cassani, C., Vertemara, J., Wang, W., Mambretti, F., Casari, E., Sung, P., Tisi, R., Zampella, G., and Longhese, M. P. (2018) The MRX complex regulates Exo1 resection activity by altering DNA end structure. EMBO Journal doi: 10.15252/embj.201798588.



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