
韩传辉癌症研究院 ,副研究员





2005.9-2009.7    北京理工大学 生物工程专业本科生

2009.9-2015.7    中国科学院生物物理研究所 细胞生物学博士

2015.7-2016.3    中国科学院生物物理研究所 助理研究员

2016.3-2021.10   美国德州大学西南医学中心 博士后

2021.12-至今    北京大学国际癌症研究院 助理教授,副研究员,博士生导师

2022.4-至今     北京大学肿瘤医院(兼聘)助理教授

研究方向 肿瘤免疫




1. Han C, Liu Z,Zhang Y, Shen A, Dong C, Zhang A, Moor C, Cao X, Ren Z, Lu C, Qiao J, Fu Y. Tumor cells suppress radiation-induced immunity by hijacking caspase 9 signaling. Nature immunology, 2020. Co-First authorship.

2. Han C, Godfrey V, Liu Z, Han Y, Liu L, Peng H, Hasan Z, Fu Y. The AIM2 and NLRP3 inflammasomes trigger IL-1–mediated antitumor effects during radiation. Science immunology, 2021. Co-First authorship.

3. Liu Z, Han C, Dong C, Shen A, Hsu E, Ren Z, Lu C, Liu L, Zhang A, Timmerman C, Pu Y, Wang Y, Chen M, Qiao J, Fu Y. Hypofractionated EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor limits tumor relapse through triggering innate and adaptive immunity. Science immunology. 2019. Co-First authorship.

4. Han C, Fu Y. β-catenin regulates tumor-derived PD-L1. Journal of Experimental Medicine, 2020

5. Han C. Zhang A, Liu Z, C Moore. Fu Y. Small molecular drugs reshape tumor microenvironment to synergize with immunotherapy. Oncogene, 2020

6. Qi J, Han C, Gong D, Liu P, Zhou S Deng H. Murine Gammaherpesvirus 68 ORF48 Is an RTA-Responsive Gene Product and Functions in both Viral Lytic Replication and Latency during In Vivo Infection. Journal of Virology, 2015. Co-First authorship (spotlight article)

7. Ilgen M, Zhang A, Ren Z, Han C, Deng Y, Siteni S, Li H, Zhu J, Vemula A, Shey J, Fu Y. Telomere stress potentiates STING-dependent anti-tumor immunity. Cancer cell,2020.

8. Liu Z, Han C, Fu Y. Targeting innate sensing in the tumor microenvironment to improve immunotherapy. Cellular & Molecular Immunology, 2019.

9. Lu C, Guan J, Lu S, Jin Q, Rousseau B, Lu T, Stephens D, Zhang H, Zhu J, Yang M, Ren Z, Liang Y, Liu Z, Han C, Liu L, Cao X, Zhang A, Qiao J, Batten K, Chen M, Castrillon D, Wang T, Li B, Jr L, Li G, Fu Y. DNA sensing in mismatch repair-deficient tumor cells is essential for anti-tumor immunity. Cancer Cell, 2020.

10. L Liu, J Chen, J Bae, H Li, Z Sun, C More, E Hsu, C Han, J Qiao, Y Fu,Rejuvenation of tumour-specific T cells through bispecific antibodies targeting PD-L1 on dendritic cells. Nature Biomedical Engineering, 2021.




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